Volume Media Sessions: Prototyping.

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Let’s be honest here – rapid prototyping is not exactly how I managed to go with this project. It is Week 10 and I have only managed to film one session, and post two videos from that session. I have tried to get sessions organised with other artists, but my efforts have fallen short – often at the last minute – which is rather disheartening.

With that in mind, I have noticed that the two videos I have posted have been well received, especially in comparison to other content I have posted.

I have decided to ditch the idea of YouTube – at least for now – and focus solely on putting the videos on Facebook, where I have made the most traction, and I can easily follow their progress with Facebook’s Insights tab.



As you can see from the stats, my first video got a lot more traction than my second – with almost exactly double the people reached and double the post engagements. My estimation here is that sharing it to my personal page and showing it off as the first part of a series I was creating helped to create some buzz around the first video, that may have died off by the time the second one was posted.

Eventually I hope to build something similar to Laundry Echo’s video library – it is clear that they are getting out a large amount of content, and the reach they are getting reflects that.

laundry echo

Current issues I am having are surrounding artist access and areas to film in, as well as overcoming my own personal anxiety issues. Starting off with smaller artists seems to be the way to go, as not only are they easier to get access to, but they seem more willing to participate. But I run into the issue of where to film it, as I don’t have access to a studio. I could ask to film it in their homes, however that’s where my anxiety jumps in as it is hard to approach someone and ask to film them in their own homes. This can be bypassed by filming in the green room before a gig, but this requires touring artists to take time out of their pre-gig schedule in order to record it – not something a lot of artists are willing to do.

From here, I need to reassess how I approach my project and how and where I can film the videos in order to create the sort of content that I have in mind.

One thought on “Volume Media Sessions: Prototyping.

    Volume Media Sessions: Making « Britt Andrews said:
    October 22, 2018 at 10:31 am

    […] Overall I am happy with the progress of my DA – although I do think it needs ironing out, especially in regards to getting artist access and where to film, as detailed in my previous post. […]

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